Regardless of whether you are getting ready to buy or sell a house, it is important to get it surveyed. There are some situations where a lender might even require someone to get the house surveyed before they agree to finance it. What do you need to do to get the building ready to be surveyed? Take a look at a few important points below, and do not hesitate to reach out to a professional who can assist you.
Pick the Right Survey
First, you need to pick the right survey to be carried out. For example, you might be interested in a general survey that analyzes the condition of the house. It is commonly done for newly built properties. You might be looking for a two-level survey that will give you a better look at the overall condition of the home. If you want the most comprehensive survey done on your home, you should go with a level three survey. Do not hesitate to reach out to an expert if you are curious about what type of survey you should do on your home.
Get the Documents Together
You need to make sure you have all of your documents ready for the survey. If you have records of the construction and repairs process, you have a better chance of receiving a favorable survey. For example, you may want to have a gas safety certificate. You may also want to pull permits on the home to show that everything in your house is up to code.
Do Not Crowd the Home
A surveyor will charge by the hour. Therefore, you must make sure the property is clean. You need to get rid of any clutter in your home to make it easier for the surveyor to get around. Furthermore, if the surveyor is frustrated with the quality of your property, it may have an impact on the type of report you receive. You also need to make sure you have keys to unlock every area of your home. This includes your attic and your basement. If the surveyor cannot access certain parts of the home, the report might not be complete.
Get Financing From the Barrett Financial Group
If you are looking for funding for an investment property in Arizona, look no further than the Barrett Financial Group. It would be our pleasure to work with you to provide you with the financing you need. We have a wide variety of options, and we can customize your loan to meet your expectations. If you would like to learn more about how we can help you finance your next property, give us a call today to speak to our team!