Phoenix, Arizona is certainly a city in the U.S. that can identify with the variance in how different age groups are experiencing the world. The city is no longer just a place for retirees and college kids. Millennials are discovering that the state’s remarkable capital city has much to offer and is full of exciting opportunities. And when you combine the city’s low cost of living with its unceasing beauty and pleasant temperatures, it should come as no surprise that millennials are relocating to Phoenix.
One area of particular interest that has gained national spotlight is Valley of the Sun, which is the Phoenix’s booming metropolitan region. The area has witnessed phenomenal growth, with much of the growth attributed to the arrival of so many millennials.
Among millennials, Phoenix is now considered to be one of the top spots to live. Let’s take a glimpse at why so many millennials are packing up and heading west and discovering what a remarkable booming city Phoenix really is.
Affordable Living
Cities that boast coastlines and huge millennial populations seem to gain the attention of the media. In reality, though, the majority of these cities are becoming extremely expensive for many millennials. Not only are millennials discovering they can pursue their dreams after college in Phoenix, but they can do so while still staying within their means.
Many millennials are hoping to find housing cost that is somewhat comparable to what they have adjusted to while attending college. When compared with other cities that offer comparable lifestyles, housing prices in Phoenix are considerably lower. Adding to this, when gas and food prices are compared to those living in coastal regions, prices are noticeably lower, making the prospect of owning a home more imaginable and the city even more appealing.
Economic Growth
The city’s rapid economic growth stems from its support of entrepreneurs along with its commitment to embrace change. This is demonstrated in the city’s tax policies, which have become essential to rewarding achievement and work ethic. The friendly city embraces its people and openly welcomes strangers to network and plant roots. Phoenix is considered to be a hotbed for economic development; the city continues to offer new activities and embraces social diversity, which is reflected in its majority foreign population.
The Great Outdoors
Phoenix and the surrounding areas offer an abundance of opportunities for millennials to experience the great outdoors. Its captivating landscape offers nature lovers a chance to participate in activities, such as exploring nature trails and mountain biking. There are lakes and rivers nearby as well, which is of particular interest to those who love swimming, skiing, or high-speed water sports. Affordable living and an ideal climate that supports both healthy living and socializing, Phoenix is a place where millennials can afford to enjoy life at its finest.
Millennials are finding both success and a satisfying lifestyle in Phoenix, Arizona. The city’s sense of community, low cost of living, and welcoming environment make it one of the top spots in the U.S. for millennials to relocate.